Effective Planning and Implementation of Computer Technology in Schools



In today’s world, the workplace has changed. Computer technology is present in almost every job or profession to varying degrees. To properly prepare students for work, we must recognize that integrating computer technology into the classroom is important. To successfully implement this integration, careful planning must precede implementation. We need to be prepared to explore different ways of implementing, because there is no perfect system or universal software. Each agency must decide to what extent and how quickly it will implement the technology. It is also important to encourage education officials to support and gather information about the preferences of teachers and students.

In his article “Investing in Digital Resources,” David McArthur explored the idea that the decision to use technology as an educational environment has already been made. What needs to be done is careful planning to ensure that the long-term goals of technology integration are properly met.

Higher education officials should “plan and invest in e-learning.” (MacArthur, 2004, p. 3) Online learning has become a common method of learning, just as the “Internet” has become accepted in business and at home. New technologies have been needed to integrate in addition to the existing learning process. If the planning is done correctly, the educational environment should be able to use technology to improve communication between teacher and student, improving teachers’ morale by using the ‘online information sharing center’ (McArthur, 2004, p2) to run online programs. and better prepare students for work.

Potential problems need to be addressed when planning technology integration. First, there are many options, and only a few are suitable for a particular school or college. Secondly, while many educational institutions are already used to the idea of expanding their education system through online learning, it can be difficult and difficult.

Some of the main challenges associated with the potential success of e-learning may include (but not limited to) the current capabilities of the school or college computer network, the willingness of school leaders to support change, current or possible resources, and the potential availability of e-learning. Student education services.

When you view the full multi-year plan, a number of options are available. One of them is “phased implementation.” (McArthur, 2004, p. 4). While critical planning must be nearing completion, it is not necessary that all components of the final plan be present from the outset. You can use a planned multi-year implementation plan. This not only allows resources to be developed, but also allows you to solve problems as each step progresses. The other is “appropriate outsourcing.” (MacArthur, 2004, p. 4) Not all educational institutions have the resources (staff, tools, equipment) to implement even a step-by-step plan. Outsourcing saves both money and time. While it may be difficult to convince some leaders of a potential interest in outsourcing, especially given that this type of experience is “considered a fundamental educational value” (McArthur, 2004, p.6), comparisons with the business community can help identify benefits.

In his article “Elephant Studies: Fighting the Technological Revolution in Our Schools,” Scott Tunison answered the following questions: 1. to what extent schools should patronize computer technology and 2. what tactics are used to use computer technology. its potential benefits. and reduce the potential pitfalls of technological integration.

His reference to “The Elephant Shepherd” is an allegory to deal with the coming technology and learn to “fit it into the educational framework” or to step aside and allow the “technological revolution” to pass. (Tunison, 2004, p. 7) In any case, educational technologies cannot be ignored and should not govern themselves.

In principle, a lot of things in education have not changed for a long time. For the most part, the methods used were suitable for the subject in question. One view might be that if the concepts studied have not changed, there is no need to change the teaching method.

Education reform is necessary if we are to meet the needs of our students. If electronic media, animation, etc., we should address our students in this context.

Changes may cause discomfort to some teachers. The learning paradigm must change from teacher as knowledge provider to student as an active learner. Tunson quotes Fullan (2001), highlighting “three main stages in the process of change.” The stages are defined as “initiation, implementation and institutionalization.”

Initiation means that the entity proposes a change of direction. Sometimes students ask for change, and sometimes groups of teachers, administrators, and parents form committees to begin the process of planning technology integration.

Institutionalization implies a perception of importance. We can say that this is the stage of “repairing the damage.” At this stage, clear policies are needed, well-trained teachers and administrators, and a supportive school board. At this point, it is important to enter relevant program data for analysis. What was well planned and developed can still contain “mistakes” that need to be corrected. Data analysis can help you fine-tune the program.

Educators need to be aware of the importance of technology in the educational environment and be prepared to integrate them. Technology is evolving in our modern culture, and the reach of our students must include meeting their needs in a world they know. We will be able to reach even more students and possibly stop the dropout flow.

In her article “What Students Want to Know About Computers,” Judith O’Donnell Douling told the reader that students, parents, and administrators have certain preferences for computer technology.

Over time, the importance of computers and related technologies has been recognized. Although computer costs have increased, some schools have not been able to identify specific computer skills and their strength as supportive tools in learning and teaching.

The reaction of the students was different. Many said they started studying computers at an early age, usually from someone more experienced.


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