Technology is evolving at breakneck speed. It is spreading faster and faster in all areas of our lives. Equipment that was obsolete two years ago is now obsolete within 6 months. Technology tools are becoming smaller and more accessible to the world. Businesses and governments struggle to find their economic balance as consumers buy goods online side by side, often avoiding traditional consumer purchases or paying sales taxes.
Humanity is also reeling from the physical impact of technology. Normal human development is not very fast; it is a time-calculated, consistent process that requires human interaction, behavioral learning and real life experience if we are to explore the full spectrum of emotions and become healthy and happy adults. In the past, our way of life involved human interaction. Technology has changed the way we live today. Too fast a person’s development distorts or slows him down, and emotional maturity is lost.
As we continue to crave new and faster technologies as physical beings, we also feel the physical consequences of getting what we want. We become isolated and limited, thus maintaining a narrow, superficial and isolated existence. People shouldn’t have lived like this. The human spirit must be nourished and supplemented with work, play, friendship and love. At its core, we are emotionally and physically interactive creatures. If we lose our ability and ability to communicate emotionally, we run the risk of becoming as lifeless as the technologies we aspire to.

Our electronic media culture bombards today’s world with massive reproduction and reproducibility that can deceive the human eye. Reality can be distorted; What’s real and what’s not? The word simulacre means unreal or external similarity, a copy without the original. Photos, television, video games, advertising, special effects and computers are part of our electronic media and provide images that have been created or altered so realistically that they may seem real, even if they are not. This inability to distinguish between the real and the unreal makes us doubt our reality, and we begin to distrust our own perception. We’re starting to believe that there’s nothing real. This leads to a feeling of apathy, hopelessness and, ultimately, anarchy. If nothing is real, nothing matters. We become robots like our technological inventions, and are just as cold and numb. It is the death of the human spirit, which requires as a basis the warmth of human communication, touch and trust. And the human spirit will not go quietly into the night; it will not disappear without a fight. He will find another way to express himself, too often in the sensual world of addiction and drug addiction.
To understand the fundamental nature of the gap created by our technological advances requires a basic understanding of human development. Our experience from birth to five years lays the neurological foundation on which future learning depends: self-awareness, self-regulation, communication skills, personal relationships and the ability to learn on the basis of cause and effect. When any of these basic development processes fail to succeed, it impairs the ability to learn, grow and mature. As human beings, we react and grow when we are hugged, talked to others, read aloud, listen to music and play with them, and get pleasant physical experiences with others. Without these foundations, we again become people without self-awareness, without self-control, unable to convey our ideas, needs, or desires to others, with difficulties in establishing or maintaining relationships. And because we don’t realize what’s wrong, we can’t learn from our mistakes.
This is particularly troubling in the wired world of information overload, and becomes even more as technology evolves and the field accelerates. When technology is introduced to children too early, in the years of human development, a problem arises. It can offer intellectual exchange, but not the nuances of human exchange. When technology is used as a surrogate, it creates a void in the human mind.
The word “simulation” refers to the process of simulating or representative of the behavior of one system through the use of another system. The military, police and business use virtual reality technology as a training tool for practical use in reality. Virtual reality technology can provide a partial learning experience, an intellectual experience, but not a human encounter. It is an incomplete experience that does not include all five feelings with which we experience humanity. When we recognize and experience a fully integrated sensory experience through a joint physical encounter, it becomes functional, and we develop human skills that we can use in future interactions.
Because modern technology requires accelerating our cognition, the rest of our nervous system is left behind. Ultimately, this becomes too far a bridge, and we create a split within ourselves, contrasting the technical being with a human being: a brain without a body, intelligence without emotion.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Technology can improve the human world, but technology can also improve people. What is needed is new ways of integrating technology with basic human needs and using it for the benefit of human development.
It is thanks to the phase of human development in the fantasy game and the use of the process of making films can be found creative union and innovative solution between the world of human needs and the era of technology.
The process of making films is a tool of simultaneous learning and teaching, combining human development with the best modern digital technologies. Brain, body, consciousness and emotions are combined into a common and meaningful experience with others.
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