Technology is defined in different ways. The simplest way is to know how to use tools and techniques to improve working conditions, organizational management and artistic perspective to improve the efficiency of a product, machine or human effort. Primitive man is known for skillful use of stone for making weapons and caches. Using animal skin and tree bark to cover the body was a step towards tissue technology. Knowledge of fire control technology has dramatically changed the status of a person who has learned to add new elements to his food menu and warmed in cold climates. The wheel has brought us to the current state of world traffic. Throw your feet dice into space after a hearty and hearty meal inspired by a space odyssey. Internet-controlled information technologies originate in smoke signals and, more recently, in printing presses. Now we have industrial, educational, information, medical, visual, micro, nano- and household technologies, and these are just some of them.
People don’t just use technology to achieve their goals. Animals and birds have also excelled in creating comparable and sometimes better technical wonders than we do. Nest of weaver birds, dolphin signals, breaking the shell of coconut monkeys, home technology of ants, technology of lowering elephants from a steep slope, flight of birds to places related to their needs. and the demands, waiting for the air to warm before launching kites and other heavy birds, and tossing stone blades to raise the water level in a narrow-necked jug with the help of crows – here are some to awaken memories. Look at the sky at night. You will see how the ducks fly in the form of an inverted letter V, which gives others the advantage of vacuum and streamlined movement.
There is a difference in the behavior of ancient primates, in the way animals and birds around us use technology and how we use them. The difference is huge. Their efforts have been and continue to be to improve their living conditions compatible with the environment. Our efforts are evolving in a variety of ways. Some are good, some are bad and some are ugly.

Green technologies aim to create a suitable, fair and sustainable environment by combining all known technologies and human participation with environmental science to preserve and improve the environment and return it to the quality that was available about 300 years ago. Green technologies can be called improvements in available technologies because they help to manage all kinds of pollution with respect for the environment and the economy.
Green technologies are judged on the basis of their environmental impact. Competitive and efficient green technologies result in low levels of greenhouse gas emissions from people, products, processes, activities, or organizations. There are two ways to achieve the goal. The first, which can be described as “green” operations, is waste recycling, re-use by repackaging and other alternatives, reducing resource consumption and conserving existing natural resources. Second, the creation of a green environment is the development of technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus reduce the carbon footprint.
The first category of green technology is to encourage and rethink traditional ways of reducing the carbon footprint. This is recycling and its distribution to clean water and air, to clean solid waste, including wastewater treatment.
Recycling defines the environment in terms of conservation at its best. The materials used, which are usually recycled as waste, are recycled into new products. Composting is a long-standing concept that green waste is recycled into manure. Recycling plastic waste into new plastic products is now the most common. Recycling reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials through mixing and scrap. This reduces the loss of energy needed to convert fresh raw materials into finished products. This reduces air pollution by recycling waste instead of burning it. This reduces water pollution due to fewer landfills, so the filter reaches fewer bodies of water.
Wastewater is purified by chemical, mechanical and biological processes to convert it into drinking water and other uses. The air is cleaned both in factories and in enclosed areas. Industrial air pollutants, such as sulphur oxides, return sulphuric acid, fine dust such as fiery ash turns into cement and bricks. The production of solid waste from human habitat is divided into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Biodegradable waste is composted into manure and biofuels. The first three are then biodegradable waste, divided into metal, glass, plastic, etc. Hazardous waste is properly converted into non-hazardous objects, and then most of it is also recycled. Wastewater treatment has acquired advanced technologies. It was processed to rid it of parasites, bacteria, fungi, algae and viruses. Processed solid waste is used as fertilizer and treated wastewater is used for irrigation or further treatment to make them suitable for home use.
Green technologies that create and maintain green state are primarily focused on renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal, nuclear and geothermal have been shown to have minimal greenhouse gas emissions and have enormous potential to replace traditional energy suppliers such as fossil fuels and oil. These are non-renewable energy sources, which are the main pollutants and the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions.
Green products are a separate category because they have the properties of both reducing greenhouse gases and replacing highly polluting non-renewable energy sources. Fuel cells are one example. It eliminates automotive air pollution and replaces hydrocarbon fuels. Another example is plastic cement made from plastic waste bottles. This product requires less energy than regular iron slag, lime and sand.
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